Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) in our hands.

in our hands.
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1440x900 | 1280x800

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Here you go, Shadows! I know. I feel like you requested this wall a long time ago. XD But I didn't forget! I know you said you wanted one of Jaden...but it was hard to find a good scan JUST of him. I liked this one though, and I hope you do, too!!

The scan's quality sucked butt. ;__; So what do you do when a scan's quality is poor? You either vector, repaint, try to fix it by other means...OR COVER IT UP WITH TEXTURES!! And that's what I did. XD; I did not feel like smudging everywhere I saw the wretched scan remnants. So I used a couple of textures and bunch of gradients to create some different lighting and such, like the glowing spheres lol. I used smoke brushes down there at the bottom...kinda looked more like flames to me. And then the text, which I know isn't the best. ^^; If anyone wants one without the text, just let me know, and I'll upload and give a link. I know this isn't all that great. .__. But I tried...I found a similar scan on MT, but it was smaller and had calendar dates on it. XD

Anyhoo, I hope you still like it! :)

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
jaden, judai, texture, yami, yugi, yugioh, yuki, yusei
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29 members Favoritefavorite
RayeRoseFox angel1753 Dobiba Sunshine 60 yolei hime CureRose55 SakuraLacusSaiyan reichiinya Quiet Noise AngelBest Dream Rainbow Dragon Karmira animeluver245 mizu-the-chan Hulaberry32 Sakura Kokoro Darkarax nessy007 sweetdevil Romanos Vixen Ritona Roleni-Chan SolemnSerpent Yours Truly
Member Dedication
Rainbow Dragon

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