Hiya ^^ havent uploaded anything for like a month or something like that cause i was on holiday anyways am back home naw xD (i was in disney if any1 is interested and all) I am actually back for like 3 days already but it took me uhmm a while to unpack <.< anyways i done uhmm 4 wallies i think it may be 5 dunno really x.x so i shall upload 3 today and da other probs tomorrow but i wont promise anything knowin me =L (not all them cause if i recall 3 is da limit) anyways i probs have dis message wiht all of them with some lil message bout da wallie itself i do hope am making sense anyways hope u guys r having a good holiday
Uhmm dis dont have a category <.< i guess is cause da anime is not that famous anyways i definately recommend it xD
lotte render from photobucket
'i feel happy texture' from deviantart by JRMB-Stock
Font Hearts Delight from dafont
Hope u guys like it xoxo