Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) other side of the door.

other side of the door.
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1440x900 | 1280x800

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Why is it that I end up submitting wallpapers so late? Well, I can answer that I guess lol. XD It's cause I work on it some earlier, before and after dinner...and then I end up finishing it now. >> Sometimes. Sometimes it takes longer, but I don't know. I feel bad if I don't finish it before going to bed. XD Anyhoo, this is for jiko's challenge! Using Taylor Swift lyrics in a wallpaper. :) I gotta admit this was a challenge...I love her songs, but I was torn. Cause I was going to make some song fit with the image no matter what, haha!

Please view 1600x1200 (what I made it on), but also 1440x900. :)

I used this scan. I never finished any of the Growlanser games. They were entertaining...and I just LOVE the art. Satoshi Urushihara is a master of the shiny and sexy. He's also the master of hentai (ewww). >>' So it's rather hilarious seeing all the scans on MT cause they're all have to be cropped. XD Since he likes drawing the boobies. BUT! He also is great at drawing hot guys. <3 I don't remember/know this guy's name, but if any of you tell me or I look it up, I'll edit it into the tags...[edit: It's Crevaniel, thanks Solenm-chan!]

At first this was going to be all bright with a white bg. Then it was going to be black and white with some red lighting. Then it was going to be super texture filled. My goodness I can't count the hours I wasted with different versions! XD Then I finally ended up with this, and I think I like it. I extracted him, and then I put some of the lyrics from this song in the bg. Changed the fonts a billion times and settled on what I have now lol. Ummm, then I went through all my different adjustments...but this one has a few red gradients and what WAS a texture, blurred, to make it darker/tan. Added also a navy blue layer on top, set on lighten...yeah. Then the typography in front. ^^; I hope it looks ok! Sure took a lot of time.

I might submit it on AP. I don't know. They seem to only appreciate vectored walls there nowadays lol. Well, enjoy!

Edit: I ended up submitting it on AP. So feel free to give it some love here. :D Thanks!

Other Video Games Wallpapers
Crevaniel, growlanser, guy, love, lyrics, satoshi urushihara, taylor swift
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