SakuraDust (Wallpaper Portfolio) Vampire's Lair

Vampire's Lair
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1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The people from whom I've been requesting stuff may know this, but lately I've been in a terrible Hellsing fever. Naturally my dreams often involve vampires, and luckily most times I actually manage to dream about Alucard himself.
there must be a God, I've never dreamed about the underaged Ciel
And yes, my dreams get very nasty, who'd want boring dreams about beach walks anyway? Well, not me, at least not when I'm with a psycho vampire *swoons*

I was very happy to find the scan with the couple almost kissing because the girl's body conformation is a lot like mine no front, lots of behind. I made the changes to make her look more like me, shortened her hair and reddened it. I added the hunks afterward and made modifications (hand and tie) to make them interact as much as possible with the girl.
It was complicated to get everyone's size right, I didn't want to make them look too different in height, so I measured by the head. I resized in a way that made everyone's heads look about the same size. About the position, the girl and the blond vampire sit on a throne that's supposed to be on higher ground, the rest are just around it.
I took characters from Nitro+ only to not scramble the drawing styles.

This is about it, don't want to make this longer than it already is.
Enjoy the harem XD

Crossover Anime and Manga Wallpapers
Deus Machina Demonbane, Etheldreda, Female, Gunji, Harem, Males, Master Therion, Night, Nitro+, Togainu no Chi, Vampires
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