So I really wish I could take credit for the witty saying, but some random person on dA gets that. It was a sig I randomly saw and no I dunno who's it was. Anyways, I was like 'That would make an awesome wall!' so I wrote it down and put together the background, cause I knew what I wanted, then went on the Great Image Hunt. Searched and searched for a bad ass kind of girl, then was like 'Hm, Yuko from XXXholic', so I browse Yuko pics, found one I liked, rendered it most of the way, stuck it on my background and was like...'eh' Then started all over again >.< Then wonderful Kira suggested this girl, thankfully. *nods*
Metal background:yko 54-d4219wx on dA
Ice Background: Sirius sdx on dA
Fonts: daFont
Dedicated to my two drinking buddies, Kira and Chrysta.