ElfDuchess (Wallpaper Portfolio) Clockwork Warrioress

Clockwork Warrioress
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1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Lately I've been a kind of steampunk mood, so I thought I would try my hand at making a wallpaper that reflected that. I chose these fonts because the graphed one does look rather steam punk-ish and the gothic one complements it nicely. When it was time for me to find an image, I really had no idea what I wanted - so I did a search for steam punk anime shows. Came across Fullmetal Alchemist (which I had thought about) and D.Gray-Man (which I had no idea was even halfway steampunk) and then someone mentioned the Final Fantasy video games. And I couldn't believe I forgot them. Of course, many many people will say that the Final Fantasy games are not steampunk, and if we are going with the strictest sense of the word 'steampunk' they would be correct. However, they do have enough of a steampunk look and feel that it works well enough for this type of wallpaper.

Once I decided to do Final Fantasy (VII/Advent Children/Crises Core/Dirge of Cerberus of course) I just had to decide on a character. This was actually more difficult than it really should have been - considering how many of the characters I really, really like. Ultimately I decided on Tifa (as well as this image of her) for two main reasons: She is my favorite female from VII/Advent Children and I love this image of her (overused though it is). I don't often use much - if any - texture on my wallie, but I thought that this one looked much better with it than without it.

One more note, this time about the lyrics used. While I do realize that they don't fit Tifa exactly - with this pose, she does look like a 'pirate queen' getting ready to lead her troops. So, I'm very happy with it.

Cloud Brushes
SteamPunk Brushes
Clockwork Brushes
Dirigible Brushes
Fonts used (both from DaFont: Themes -> Fancy -> Grid -> KR Graphed and Themes -> Gothic -> Medieval -> Square Text.
Song used: Impartial by The Clockwork Dolls

Final Fantasy VII Wallpapers
Final Fantasy, Impartial, Lyrics, Steampunk, The Clockwork Dolls, Tifa Lockhart
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