Razing Phoenix (Wallpaper Portfolio) Death the Kid

Death the Kid
1024x768 | 800x600

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Finally got my roommate/friend's (lynn4pkmn) request for her Death the Kid wallpaper! Earlier I was trying to decide to do something special for my 600th wallpaper, but I couldn't choose anything. But, I think a special request would suit for my 600th wallpaper better. Besides, I can always save it for next time. ^^ Anyway, with this wallpaper I kinda tried vectoring Kid. However I only vectored his clothes and hair, just to give it a try. Plus, the original image had a purple tint to it, and I wanted to get rid of that, so that's why I vectored it. Also, Lynn-chan wanted the wallpaper to be "monochrome," so that's the main reason I tried to vector Kid. I hope I did a decent job, since I've never vectored before. And I kinda like it, I think I might try to vector more images for other wallpapers later.

NOTE: I can't find where I found the image, but if I do I'll be sure to post the link.


Made in: Gimp 2.6
Image: www.zerochan.net
Brushes: www.brusheezy.com and www.obsidiandawn.com
Textures: Checkered bg from Google search
Text: Edited in www.photobucket.com

Thank you for viewing and please enjoy~!


Soul Eater Wallpapers
Death, Death the Kid, Kid, Razing Phoenix, Soul Eater
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