Totally love how this wallpaper turned out. I used most of my favorite colors, black and pink. And for some reason Mio seemed to look good with the background. I was going to use Luka but I decided to make something different. :3 So, I hope you like this one~! (I'm trying to submit wallpapers here more often again. ^^) rnrnEdit: Also, I apologize for the crappiness of the resized wallpapers. I forgot to save it as a xcf file to change the layers, but I am going to try to submit different sizes of my wallpapers for everyone to enjoy, so it might take me a while to get used to doing that. ^^; rnrnCreditsrnMade in: Gimp 2.6rnrnImage: From here rnrnBrushes:, www.obsidiandawn.comrnTextures: (none) rnrnThank you for viewing~!rnrn~Razi-chan rn
Razing Phoenix (Wallpaper Portfolio)
~Mio Akiyama~ K-On

1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 10/29/11
- Category
- K-ON! Wallpapers
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- K-On, Mio, Mio Akiyami, Razing Phoenix
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- 10 votes
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