Threw this together this evening. Never doing a game render ever again. Anyways...I had to satisfy my urge to make a AC wall and now I have done so. The guy on the far left, his moustache made me laugh. *random* And the guy on the far right has a very nice profile. Anyways.
Brownish texture x2 *I had to put one over the Assassin's because Ezio's robes were so freaking bright, I had to tone them down* : vintage texture by firesign 24 7 on dA
Assassin's Symbol: Google.
The Assassin's: I'm guessing it's from the game. Don't remember where I found it.
Building: Ruins of Rome by SAPOM stockxtras on dA
Fonts: Medici Text *ironic, no?* and Arab Dances Medium from dafonts.