smoking crimson (Wallpaper Portfolio) snIp snAp

snIp snAp
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First off, I'm no SJ fan, I'm a total shawol. (Kudos to you if you know what I mean) However, this image on the cover of A-cha (I think?) was too good not to use, though I wasn't intending to use KPop in the first place! Ah well. This was actually pretty relaxing, since it's so simplistic, but I thought that suited the minimalism of the entire picture nicely.

My wish would have to be: To be able to take photographs that depict true emotion, and moments in time perfectly.

It's sort of an odd wish, and maybe a little bit selfish. but then again, I cannot claim to be perfect- I'm actually probably one of the persons furthest from such a claim! I chose this because recently, I've started developing a strong interest in photography, as it links very strongly to art, which is one of my passions. I've discovered that for me, it's more fun to be BEHIND the camera, rather than in FRONT of the camera.

I may have known this subconsciously as a kid, because when I got my hands on a camera, I would take over it & spend the whole time becoming an unofficial photographer! Also I absolutely detested standing still for photos, and would try all sorts of tricks to evade the evil camera & it's nefarious flash!

wow what an essay. also SJ has a lot of members. it's like. idek.

~ credits. recognition given where it is due.
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Super Junior Wallpapers
a-cha, black, camera, donghae, eunhyuk, heechul, kyuhyun, leeteuk, ryeowook, shindong, siwon, snap, snip, sungmin, super junior, yesung
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19 members Favoritefavorite
Lucy77 AriesXzeroSeven JanetChan BabyD NadjaWolf Thiefspawn Morbid Dollie Akeni Chan 21Emmz12 Felcie matsuyamasanzo Support KIRA Wander Chan Bleachic ItachiSasuke Blue Latte
Member Dedication
[My Life] Wallpaper Marathon II

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