ElfDuchess (Wallpaper Portfolio) Endless Night

Endless Night
1024x768 | 800x600

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I will admit, this is something very different for me, but I've been trying to help out with the challenge slam that is currently going on here and also have been trying to actually challenge myself (and refrain from getting into some kind of wallpaper making rut). I really wasn't sure what to do - especially once the idea I originally had didn't pan out (couldn't find the right scan) - and wound up doing a lot of research and browsing for inspiration.

Ultimately I found this scan and immediately decided to use it. Honestly, I'm not certain (at all) that this is what the challenge creator had in mind but I like it and it seems to fit the requirements to me. Besides, I actually find myself really liking the way this turned out. It was also kind of interesting (and really fun) to make because I knew that I didn't want any vibrant colors and I limited the different brushes that I used so I could still keep that gothic feel. And, something else that was also new for me, most of the brushes were actually layered over the main image - I believe I've never done that before.

One really good thing already came from me entering this challenge: I found some new music to listen to. I was trying some of it out, looking for some good lyrics to use on this wallpaper, and I really like some of the stuff that I found.

Texture/Filter (#'s 4, 6 and 25 used)
Glossy Blood Brushes
Grunge Swirl Brushes
Old Paper Brushes
Night Light Brushes
Fonts: Edwardian Script & Consolas
Lyrics: Bloody Kisses - Type O Negative

Devil May Cry Wallpapers
Bloody Kisses, Cry, Dante, Devil, Gothic, May, Type O Negative
18 votes thumb
19 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
Morbid Dollie
1 comment
Glorius Gothic

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