Hai o/
Well, it's been a while since the last I walled something and I feel this is like usual with my submissions xD
Like I've said in the past I'm really gone from anime, I haven't watched stuff in eons mainly because I don't have time and I find it boring but I decided to give this one a shot, especially because the original art was done by Lily Hoshino and she's flawless to me.
I was pleasantly surprised and glad I watched this. It's a beautiful series, with a ridiculously interesting plot. AND IT HAS PENGUINS, WHO CAN RESIST BLUE CUTE PENGUINS?! ; A;
At any rate, since I'm not used to watch new anime I was totally surprised by the ending cards! I was like "...wait, is that a Lily Hoshino illustration for Mawaru? *fangirls*" I honestly want to wall them all, because they are lovely but then I watched episode 11 and that ending card was perfect, the expressions of the fake twins won me over.
I have to say I'm uber glad of the quality of nowadays screenshots, I mean, walling a 1280x720 px screenshot is not even a pain anymore :D
You can find the original screenshot here: click. But obviously when I was done with everything a scan gets submitted with a clearer take on the outlines. Oh well. You can find it here.
Vectored everything and added some gradients to give it an extra thing, but it's very simple as usual :3
Text taken from a song called...*drum roll* Trouble Maker.
BG was vectored from the opening. Had a visual help of this pattern.
Best viewed in 1920x1200 me thinks.
EDIT: Apparently the 1920x1080 reso is too big for theO, but you can find it at EGAO! Distant Destiny