ElfDuchess (Wallpaper Portfolio) To Destiny

To Destiny
1024x768 | 800x600

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This is my entry for the 'Anime Shows' challenge. I selected Tsubasa for my favorite anime show because I just absolutely adore the show. I love how the storyline sets up four people - all unique and different - that don't know each other (well, one of them knows one of the others - but she doesn't remember him) and turn them into a close-knit group of comrades/friends.

While the plotline does lack a little - though not much - the characters take center stage and more than make up for it. I honestly don't think I've ever seen a show that makes me love the characters as much as this one does and the more I learn about these people, the more I adore them. Something else that I really like about this show is how it knows when to be serious and when to be funny - something that I truly wish I could find the perfect balance of more often.

For this wallpaper I tried out a new extraction method. Which was good because, even if it wasn't really easy, I believe if I had tried to use the process I usually do…well, I probably would have given up in despair long before this image was extracted. The good thing was that, considering how long it took me to get the image out, I already knew what I wanted the background to look like. And I even had a pretty good idea how to get there. The only problem I had was the scan that I wanted to use could not be resized without loosing someone. I hope that I worked around this problem in a agreeable manner.

Dangling Glow Brushes
Cloud Brushes 2
Night Sky Brushes
Smoke Brushes
Wing Brushes
Stormy Brushes
Fonts: Jellyka Vampire Street & Felix Titling & Gelfling SF

Tsubasa Wallpapers
brownie, Chronicle, Fai, Group, Kurogane, Mokona, Reservoir, Sakura, Syaoran, Tsubasa
12 votes thumb
17 members Favoritefavorite
vampirehitsugaya kobato chii benihime27 Coolieo allycat2090 Rainbow Dragon Tetsuo334 Hanako Sho jesse1012 anne0807
Member Dedication
Anime Shows

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