ElfDuchess (Wallpaper Portfolio) City of Wind

City of Wind
1024x768 | 800x600

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This is the second part for the 'Anime Shows' challenge. Fai is my favorite character from Tsubasa. As far as 'why' is concerned… well that was more difficult than 'who' because I never really think about why I like someone - I just like them. Anyway, Fai is very funny at times and can make me laugh, but he also can be incredibly serious at times, even if he still does his best to handle everything as a joke. He didn't want to get attached to the people he was traveling with, but he still did and wound up really caring about them. Several times he gets to play the hero and, yet, always waves it off as no big deal.

I adore how, over time, you get to see his character change and develop into someone that really cares about the others in the group and can be depended on to play the 'big hero' with the others. As the show progressed, he even lets his mask slip on occasion, allowing the others to see what he's truly feeling.

I'm not really sure what happened with this wallpaper. I started out with a different style and then found the texture that I had saved to my computer. I thought, why not just try it. So I did and, after playing around with the different things I could do with it, I was struck with the idea of a fantasy-type sky. The only defense I can come up with is that, when I first started working on it I was also listening to some of the songs for Tsubasa (Strange Games, A Song of Storm and Fire, Smile (Fai's image song) and Let's Sing a Song of Hope While on Our Journey (Mokona's image song).) and while I was reworking it the next morning, for some reason the English version of City of Wind would not leave my mind - ergo the name.

Filter (Cannot find this one either. But it came from deviantart.)
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Tsubasa Wallpapers
brownie, Chronicle, Fai, Reservoir, Tsubasa
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Anime Shows

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