Morbid Dollie (Wallpaper Portfolio) Straying and Sinning

Straying and Sinning
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I'm a huge fan of Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric especially. Out of the fewmany animes I have seen, Fullmetal Alchemist has been the most moving and emotional for me. Not many things like movies, animes or whatever really get to me on an emotional level, but FMA never fails to do that. I really like the fact it's based on more realistic practices instead of magic and monsters. I enjoy the good balance of comedy/action/adventure with a hint of mystery, suspense and even some gore. I think because of the good mix that it has, it's something almost any audience can enjoy. I usually prefer things that are more bloody and horrific and not so much on the comedy, but FMA balances it all out right for me. I really enjoy how relatable and diverse the characters are, and I think the plot is amazing. There are so many twists and surprises so I'm always guessing and pondering when I watch it. I prefer things that aren't so plain and easy to predict.

Edward Elric is the only character featured in this wall because he is my favorite for a lot of reasons. I find him to be a very thought-out and relatable character, at least for me. I can relate to him on a lot of really personal levels.

He's tainted, he's flawed. He makes mistakes and he has regrets, but he presses forward instead of sitting around pouting about it. His goal is to always move on and achieve what he wants.. That I can relate to. I like the fact he's motivated to do things for HIMSELF. He doesn't journey for the sake of others like a lot of "heroes" do in animes. He's driven by his own desires for himself. That makes him realistic in a sense, be it I feel a lot of our motives are more selfish in the end. It's human nature, if you ask me.

Between the bond he shares with his younger sibling being as strong as the bond I have with my younger sibling, the feelings of hatred and disgust he has towards his father matching my own towards my father, his ability to stand strong no matter what life throws at him, his dislike for milk and his hate for needles let's not even get into the 'short' thing, I find him a very relatable character.



Fullmetal Alchemist Wallpapers
alchemist, anime, dark, edward, elric, FMA, forgive, fullmetal, sin, stray
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