ElfDuchess (Wallpaper Portfolio) The Leading Man

The Leading Man
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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(What happened to the color… It was planned to be blue.)

Alright, I've not gotten to play as many of the games as I had hoped to by now. They are difficult for me to get my hands on and…well, I don't seem to have much time to work on them. As embarrassed as I am to admit this, I am still working on my first Final Fantasy game - which is where this wonderful gentleman comes from. FF XII.

I actually have a couple of favorite characters - though the other two are from the OVA and the movie, respectively. (Zack Fair and Tifa Lockhart.) However, I've already made a Tifa wallpaper and there were a couple wallpapers of Zack entered in this challenge. Besides, I went with the character than I actually know from a game.

So, why is Balthier my favorite character? Well, first of all… He's a sky pirate. In and of itself, that makes him so completely cool in my book. Then there's the fact that I love his rapier wit and slightly cynical attitude. Oh yes - this quote. Well, it is something Balthier says early on in the game and, although the opposite is very obvious to everyone else, he occasionally insists that he is the leading man. (Kind of another reason I got so attached to him.)

Memories? Considering that I'm still stuck in the middle of the game, (well, not exactly stuck - I do get to play a couple of hours a week…) my memories won't be from all that long ago. I suppose the thing that sticks out the most is early on in the game, when you're playing as Vaan. I was new to both these type or games as well as my game console, which all conspired to make the entry into the palace ore difficult than it needed to be.

(Phew, I think typing all this out an finally getting all the wallpaper sizes loaded - my internet will no longer accept more than one size loaded at a time - was actually more work than making the wallpaper.)

Second Scan
Tolkien Style Map Brushes
Dirigible Brushes
Timepiece Brushes
Compass Brushes
Clockwork Brushes
Fonts: Dawning of a New Day & Ringbearer

Final Fantasy XII Wallpapers
12, Balthier, Final Fantasy, XII
8 votes thumb
6 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
25 Years of Kupos and Kwehs

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