Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) G.O.T.C.H.a! (700 wallpapers)

G.O.T.C.H.a! (700 wallpapers)
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1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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My 700th wallpaper for here on theOtaku. I must say I've reached a milestone. I joined this site back in February of 2007 and it's also my 6th Otaku Anniversary. I'm very happy. I wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for all of my lovely friends here on theO and the support from my mom. Also I have to thank Jesus and God for bringing all of you wonderful people into my life. Without you I wouldn't be the person I am today.

To be honest I wasn't sure what I was going to make for my 700th wallpaper. I wanted it to be special and have some kind of signifigance. I found this image of Judai and all of his friends that have been with him through pretty much the whole series. The only thing that really disappointed me about this image was Johan wasn't in it. He didn't appear til season 3. He still should have been in this image because him and Judai were best friends and they had so much in common and were alike in many ways. But that's neither here nor there.
It was interesting how I arrived at the final wallpaper you see. It took along time to actually create this wallpaper. I just browsed through some images I had stored in my files and arrived at what is now the background. I can't remember where I originally found these images. It's been too long ago. But anyway I think the hardest part was extracting the image and finding the right textures/effects/actions to use. I did finally find the right ones but it took awhile. Actually the extraction took the longest but I'm pretty happy with it. I thought this image was perfect for many reasons but the main one is that it featured his friends and he's doing his signiture pose and then he says "Gotcha!" I love that about this and also if you look close at his eyes, you will see his Yubel eyes. That was also another cool thing about this image. I sadly do not know who did the originally artwork but I can say they did a fine job. I was quite happy to make a wallpaper with it. I am happy with the final result.

Dedications, where do I even begin? There are so many of you that I want to dedicate this wallpaper to. You have all been very dear friends to me and without your encourgement and support I wouldn't have made it this far. I will try to dedicate this wallpaper to as many of my dear friends as I can.
MangaKid:First of all, I have to dedicate this to you for one simple reason. Your artwork is such an inspiration to me and you always know how to make somebody smile. You've been a very dear friend to me and many others. I love you Jen and without your friendship I wouldn't have made it this far.I love you Jess! You are an EPIC friend.
Hana Ishida:I would like to also dedicate this wallpaper to you. You've become a very dear friend to me here. I love you so much that I can't put it all into words. You shouldn't put yourself down. You are a beautiful person and a talented artist. I'm very lucky to have a dear friend like you. Judai will love his Ishi forever.
ItachiSasuke:You are an truly an inspiration to me. Your kindness is beyond words. You have always been there for me to help me when I needed it. I can't thank you enough. I would also like to dedicate this wallpaper to you. Judai loves you Asuka. You are truly an inspiration to my art and wallpapers.
Zuzu Uchiha:You are truly an epic ninja! Your artwork is truly some of the best I've ever seen. Also I want to thank you for all the love and support you've given me over the years. I can't thank you enough. Judai loves his EPIC ninja!
Darkarax:You are truly epic. You are epic because you have always been a good friend to me and thank you so much for the lovely comments and advice and you've always been there for me. Thank you so much. I'm sorry I missed your birthday. Happy late birthday and I hope it was a wonderful day for you. I love you friend.
Morbid Dollie & xkeyofdestinyx: I would also like to dedicate this wallpaper to you. You both have been very dear friends to me. I love you both so much and words aren't enough to express it. Thank you both for your wonderful friendship. You both are very dear friends. Judai loves you both so much!
Sweetdevil & Angel Zakuro:I've known you both for such a long time on this site. I met you both when I first joined. You both have inspired me so much in my art and life in ways I can't express in words. You guys are such talented artists and you have truly helped me alot here. Thank you both for your critiques,advice,and everything. I love you both and you will always be dear friends to me.
I would just like to dedicate this wallpaper to all my friends and EVERYONE on theO. Thank you Adam most of all for creating such an EPIC site. Thank you guys for being my dear friends. I love all of you so much! Thank you for being so EPIC!
GOTCHA! Thank you for being such epic and lovely friends. Judai loves you all!
I hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper. Thank you everyone for all the love and support you've given me over the years.

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Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
700th wallpaper, alexis rhodes, asuka tenjoin, bastion misawa, blair flannigan, chazz princeton, hane kuriboh, jaden yuki, judai, judai yuki, jun manjoume, kenzan tyranno, klassic, misawa daichi, rainbow, rei saotome, sho marafuji, syrus trusdale, tyranno hassleberry, winged kuriboh, yu-gi-oh gx, yubel
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ocdohl chocolatemud jasperthirty Narumaniac yuko9kost 21Emmz12 luicifers wife allycat2090 Soulanime14 DistantStar Darkarax Zuzu Uchiha metalb2 ItachiSasuke MangaKid
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