Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) ~{F.i.R.e}~

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Background Images [1] [2]
Song Inspiration/Lyrics:Standing Outside The Fire by Garth Brooks
ACTION(to be linked later)

I have always wanted to make a wallpaper inspired by this song. I finally got my chance when I found this amazing Shana vector. Standing Outside the Fire is a perfect song to describe Shana. She is always enveloped in fire. All of her abilities,magic,and powers are fire based. I really liked this vector because it illustrated Shana's fire. She has this tremendous fire that comes from inside herself and this is one of the many reasons why I like Shana. She is confident and just plain badass. I've never seen such an awesome female character(besides maybe Katniss) who is so fierce and powerful. Even when she's normal, she still has a certain venerability, even as a flame haze. She's just too awesome.
The background was just made up of two blended images I had found. I wanted a flame like city behind her. I think it worked out well over all. The hardest part was placing the vector in the right place and the lyrics. Type is always tricky in wallpapers. You don't want it to stand out too much but yet you want it to stand out a little but not take away from the main focus of the wallpaper. But I think I did ok with the text. I'm happy with it. It filled the space well and fit the wallpaper. What more could I ask for? I'm overall extremely happy with this wallpaper. Shana is just too EPIC for words.
Dedicated to ItachiSasuke cause I know she's a Shana fan and also because she is like Shana, too EPIC for words. She is a true friend and she always gives help to those who need it. Thank you for being so EPIC Asuka. Judai loves you.
I hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper.

EDIT:Made an Iphone wallpaper version as well.

Shakugan no Shana Wallpapers
fire, flame haze, shakugan no shana, shana
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allycat2090 zombieusagi yuko9kost SweeTea Kiiika ItachiSasuke 21Emmz12 Kaerlyn luicifers wife
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