Ritona (Wallpaper Portfolio) Lit It Up

Lit It Up
1600x900 | 1366x768
1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1440x900 | 1280x800

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I've seen the world, lit it up
As my stage now
Channeling angels in a new age now
Hot summer days, rock n roll
The way you play for me at your show
And all the ways I got to know
Your pretty face and electric soul

Today is my last day of university for the academic year! Woah, yes! Thank you, here comes summer break!

So I got started on this little piece of trouble back in February on a whim. I would work on the line art for maybe 30 minutes at a time and then get bored of it and save it for another day. Well yesterday I had pretty much nothing to do and was listening to The Great Gatsby soundtrack as well as drowning out my Supernatural season 8 feels when I heard Young & Beautiful by Lana Del Rey. The song gave me inspiration to continue working on this piece.

So last night I plowed through this, and just finished the coloring this morning. I know it's not the greatest shading (that was never my strong point), and I don't really care if it's good or not. The fact that I actually finished this at all just amazes me. So kudos to me. Overall I would say this took me around 12 hours to complete.

I'm dedicating this to my lovely Hannah-Banana for letting me crash on her couch while I finished making this. You've been a great support with spoon-feeding me ice cream and giving me neck massages. Thank you. <3

Supernatural Wallpapers
Angel, BL, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Destiel, shounen ai, shounen-ai, Supernatural, Vector, Wings
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