Snowzi (Wallpaper Portfolio) Penguindrum

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A few weeks ago I stumbled across an anime called Mawaru Penguindrum. It sounded half decent so I figured hey why the hell not I'll give it a shot. Within about 3 episodes I was completely and utterly hooked. Holy hell I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!! Man I havent seen such a good cute-and-yet-mindwarpy series in a while XD

Since its still relatively new though there arent many wallpapers or scans for the series, and dammit I wanna Penguindrum wallpaper as my desktop! So I took the challenge upon myself and I have to say that I'm really happy with the end result. The original scan is quite big and has a lot of other pictures on it but it was the one the size of an avatar that caught my attention (the image itself was significantly larger than an avatar when downloaded but I didnt know that originally). Oh Himari you are just to cute <3 And the penguins! Ahaa I have a new love for penguins too.

Vector was pretty basic although I did have some trouble with her damn hair, lots of trouble actually but I was determined to make it work! Plus I have no social life so hey that helps too. Played around with a-freaking-lot of different textures and backgrounds before landing on the current ones. Ultimately after all that work - Snowzi very happy ^_^

Original Scan - PENGUINS!
Plus texutes 1 & 2 & 3

Enjoy! :)

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
Himari, Himari Takakura, Mawaru Penguindrum, Penguin, Penguindrum
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