Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) How Soon Is Now?

How Soon Is Now?
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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I've been watching a lot of Supernatural lately and I decided to make a wallpaper of Supernatural. This show is just so awesome,seriously one of the best shows I've ever seen. I love Dean and Sam Winchester and they just go through so much over the course of the show. Supernatural's 9th season starts this fall and I'm really excited. I don't want to give away spoilers for those who haven't seen the show. I would recommend this show to anyone who likes a bit of slice of life mixed with fantasy and supernatural elements. That's all I have to say there.
For the wallpaper I just found a scan of Castiel,Sam,and Dean and added some effects,actions and textures to give it a vintage look..I'm very happy with it. May write a longer description later. Meant to submit it awhile back but couldn't find the time. Hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper.
Dedication: TheDarkEclipse
I don't know if you like Supernatural but I dedicate this wallpaper to you because like Sam and Dean you went through many trials in your life. Also you have become one of my best friends here on theO and I wanted to dedicate something to you. So here you go. I hope you like it. I love.you dear friend.

PS: Title inspired by the Charmed theme song "How Soon Is Now?" by Love Spit Love,original song by the Smiths. I was listening to this song while I made the wallpaper and the title just stuck.

Supernatural Wallpapers
angel, castiel, dean winchester, Jared padalecki, Jensen ackles, misha Collins, sam winchester, supernatural
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