Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Greatful Days

Greatful Days
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My first wallpaper upload for awhile. I want to apologize for not submitting anything for awhile. I've been sick still and have had some artist block. But anyway here's a wallpaper I've made a week or so ago and I wanted to submit it now.
It features Shana and Kazumi from Shakugan no Shana. I wasn't originally planning to use this scan with this background I had created from some old textures in my files. To be honest I'm happy with the end results. A lot of times when I make a wallpaper or draw,it doesn't come out as planned.
To say a bit about how I arrived to making the wallpaper you see now. I used some really neat textures and I may have used some brushes. It has this vintage-ish kind of look. As for the foreground,I tried another render but it really didn't belong so I ended up with Shana and Kazumi in the wallpaper instead and it ended up working out better than I planned.
The extraction was moderately difficult but I'm happy with how clean it came out. I'm overall very happy with this wallpaper.
I'm submitting this sort of as my Thanksgiving wallpaper because they're friends and they are sharing food together. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope you enjoy the wallpaper :D
Because you're beyond epic and You're such a sweet person and epic artist and one of my best friends. I loves you Jen, You're an amazing and special friend~<3
I hope you have (or had) a wonderful Happy Thanksgiving. ^U^
PS: Links coming soon :D

Shakugan no Shana Wallpapers
bokeh, kazumi, shakugan no Shana, Shana, thanksgiving, vintage
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