Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Hear (me) R.O.A.R.~!

Hear (me) R.O.A.R.~!
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Another wallpaper I made last week. It features Mylene Flare Jenius from Macross 7. She is apart of the band Fire Bomber that performs songs in the anime. I honestly have not seen Macross 7 but I would like to watch it someday in the near future.
Anyway even though I have not watched the anime, I love Fire Bomber's songs and I like Mylene's voice (singing voice provided by Chie Kajiura) when she sings and the leader of Fire Bomber Basara Nekki (singing voice provided by Yoshiki Fukuyama) sounds amazing as well.
The screenshot used for the making of this wallpaper comes from the Macross 30th anniversary game entitled Macross 30: Ginga o Tsunagu Utagoe (English translation: Voice That Connects the Galaxy). This game was made as a special commemoration for the 30th anniversary of the Macross franchise. All I know is the game was made for PS3 and it was just a Japan release only.
Now for the actual wallpaper, I just basically created a rainbow light texture and used a brush. Also this wallpaper was sort of experimental for trying different effects for text and fonts. The lyrics are from Katy Perry's song called Roar which I listened to as I created this wallpaper. Also I love how colorful this turned out. I love colorful wallpapers~:D
I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper and this is my wallpaper (or one of the wallpapers I will be making) to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Macross Franchise. I will be making a Doctor Who 50th anniversary wallpaper sometime soon as well :)
Here is the special surprise I made for your birthday. I don't know if you like and/or are familiar with Macross 7. I just made this for you because you are an epic otaku and a great friend to me. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and very blessed Thanksgiving. I love you friend~<3 *huggles*
PS: Long description is long and links coming soon :D

Macross Wallpapers
bokeh, fire bomber, Macross 30: Ginga o Tsunagu Utagoe, macross 30th anniversary, macross 7, music, mylene flare jenius, rainbow
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