Snowzi (Wallpaper Portfolio) Forgiveness

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Submission for the Lilium challenge!

First things first - If you havent read or seen Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles than HERE THERE BE SPOILERS YO!

Now then, it took me a while to think of a decent character to use for this challenge, well ok I lie I had someone else in mind but they come as a pair and the rules state that it can only be one character. Since the lilium challenge is all about the lilium song (obviously) and the song links to a very sad and emotional anime I sat back and thought to myself, ok from all the anime I have watched over the years which character has the saddest and most depressing story? Oh I know! Fye from Tsubasa Chronicles! Ive seen a lot of anime and read a lot of manga and if he doesnt take the cake for the most depressing back story he is most definitely within the top 5 ever.

His back story is quite lengthy and a short version really wont do it justice (just Wikipedia it if you want the full version) but here goes a la nothing: It all starts from when Fye was born with an identical twin brother and where he is from twins are really the worst thing possible, its a seriously bad sign like almost as bad as the whole Mayan Calendar thing. Skip forward a few years and the king has gone mad and killed everyone in their entire world while blaming his illness on the twins, so now the twins are the only ones left alive in their world but are trapped in an inescapable prison. Skip forward a few more years when they are finally rescued.. with a catch. The saviour kills the brother but tricks Fye into believing it was his fault, and cause hes such a nice saviour and all he also places two pretty freaking mean curses on Fye while hes at it, because you know its not like the poor kid has been through enough already or anything.

Now for the wallie itself. This took me a sold two weeks to complete. No joke yo, I know that it looks pretty basic but I spent so much time on this. I had to combine three separate scans (since I couldnt find one with a decent quality) into one and that doesnt include all the editing I did, especially on the icicles and that coat. Granted I was doing something that I had never really done before so since I had no idea what I was doing it was made significantly harder than what it should have been. Im gonna go back to anime vectors - so much easier! >.<

And the Latin! Finally all those years of learning to speak Latin were useful! The phrase "Dimitte Me Frate Meus" means Forgive My My Brother. A challenge where I can use Latin will always make me happy!!! XD

Lastly as for the Lilium song well Ive just always really really loved the music box version since I first heard it in the anime, the saints version prolly fits the wallie more but I just love that music box tune ^_^

Original scan comes as a combination of pics 1 & 2 & 3 - I think I used the coat from one scan, the icicles from another, and ..something else from the third. Cant remember it was a joint combination of all three though.
Plus textures 1 & 2 & 3
Plus link to the Lilium tune as requested.

This just might be the longest desciption I have ever written. Wow. Go me! :D



Tsubasa Wallpapers
Fai, Fay, Flourite, Flowright, Fluorite, Fye, Tsubasa, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
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