RosesAndThorns (Wallpaper Portfolio) Mission to Destroy Humanity

Mission to Destroy Humanity
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Why are these three villians in my eyes? -HEAVY SPOILERS-

In Attack on Titan, the entire plot is humanity's strive to beat titans and these three make up the bulk of villians. For 100 years the walls that protected the humans came in...until Bertholdt who is the Colossal Titan knocked it down and Reiner(The Armored titan) breaches the inner wall, causing many of the inhabitants to flee behind the other wall. However it does not stop here, Bertholdt and Reiner, along with Annie take the form of two humans who enter the military who teaches them how to fight titans(ironic) and after graduation, when Eren(the main character) is standing on the wall, saying in his head how he is going to defeat the titans, Bertholdt as the Colossal titan smashes down that wall as well and it's a race which causes Eren's secret to be revealed takes place to reseal the wall. Later on during a Survey Corp mission back to retake the original outside wall, they encounter the Female Titan, which turns out to be Annie who tried to capture Eren. Annie is the only one to be revealed to be a villain in the anime but Bertholdt and Reiner have been revealed to be the Colossal and Armored Titan in the manga. What I love about these three the most is their ability to hide their indeties so well that when you find out you're like: Whaaaa? as well as their personalitys:

(Taken from the Shingeki no Kyojin wiki as I am horrible at saying personalities XD)
Annie: "Annie is considered to be an isolated, exclusionary type; friendships don't come to her easily. She is apathetic and somnolent, with little desire to put in any effort into meaningless disciplines or activities, and instead focuses exclusively on making it into the Military Police Brigade to obtain an easy life. Yet, she somehow does seem to hold a strange fascination and even feelings of respect towards people that have a deep sense of duty and righteousness - in those people who do care and who can devote their lives and even die for causes they believe in. Despite Annie's usual cold and calm demeanor, she has been shown to emote her feelings in various ways. She was clearly angered when Reiner teased her about her constant avoidance in hand-to-hand combat training. Despite her seeming callousness, she has expressed a level of guilt and shock, most notably when apologizing to a certain corpse after the battle of Trost. Annie is also known to be very dedicated in her mission as a Titan Shifter, to the point that she shed tears when she failed to capture Eren. Though she is seemingly indifferent towards her capability as a competent hand-to-hand combat fighter, she remains proud of her skills and even seems to enjoy the very notion of fighting as deduced by Eren. The only time that she is seen as genuinely smiling in a caring manner is when she expressed a curious interest in teaching Eren how to fight in her unique fighting

Bertholdt: "Bertolt is a quiet, young man, identifying himself as someone with a weak will that follows popular opinion. Likewise, their instructor noted him to be a person with great potential, but an utter lack of initiative. He is further described by Eren as being taciturn, and tends to remain in the background unless necessary. By his own admission, he is something of a coward and is noted for his low self-esteem. His withdrawn behavior initially lead to the impression of him as the least emotionally compromised of the three Titan agents. He showed little attachment or remorse over his actions, seeming to care only about his partner, Reiner. However, when confronted by his former comrades and questioned about their friendship, he reveals himself to be far more conflicted and guilt-ridden than it originally appeared. His claims of not having a choice add a further level of ambiguity to his character, leaving many of his actions in question. He shows great devotion to both of his fellow agents, Reiner Braun and Annie Leonhart, easily driven to action or anger when he feels either is threatened. Initially, he shows himself to be wary of others (for good reason) and acts as a voice of reason to Reiner, cautioning him repeatedly about lowering his guard. His interactions with Ymir reveal that while his actions have caused considerable suffering, he is not a cruel person and is capable of showing genuine kindness towards others.

Reiner: Reiner is a passionate and honest person, with a strong sense of duty. He takes his role as a soldier very seriously, and encourages others to do the same. However, he is also noted to have a kind heart and a tendency to always think of others before himself, taking on extra burdens for the sake of his comrades. He is stated to be the "big brother" of the other trainees. However, he is also revealed to have serious emotional and mental problems as a result of his actions. While still loyal to his cause, he was unable to cope with the guilt and has begun to suppress his true memories in an effort to escape. During these episodes, he forgets his true identity, believing himself to be a human soldier. There appear to be few differences between his "soldier" persona and his true self, though his true self is more ruthless and fatalistic out of necessity. He harbors a negative attitude towards himself, referring to himself as a "villain" and a "short-lived killer" that only Bertolt and Annie can understand. Even so, he continually places himself at risk in an effort to reach out to Eren and Ymir, trusting them more than is wise.


Awesome Wood by KICMAC

Annie Leonhardt, Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover (c) Hajime Isayama
Annie MMD model Nerudora
Bertholdt model by Kanaha
Reiner model by Kanaha

Also used Befunky for some added effects and text

Attack on Titan Wallpapers
annie, aot, bertholdt, reiner, snk, Villians
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DarkAnimeTomboy18 XxArrancarFanxX Hifsa nikkeh09 Snowzi
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Villains, Scoundrals, and Evildoers

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