Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) MOON Pride (Ver. 2)

MOON Pride (Ver. 2)
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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*I was inspired by this Moon Pride Cover to make this wallpaper.
*Renders are from here.
* Moon image
*Starry sky
*Other brushes and sources I've had for awhile and can't remember when I found them.
*Made in Photoshop CS5

I decided to make my own wallpaper version of the Sailor Moon Crystal Moon Pride cover. I just loved the image and I found these renders like the ones on the cover of the Sailor Senshi and I based my wallpaper on that cover.

I saw the latest episode of Sailor Moon Crystal last night. I loved it. Next one Sailor Venus finally appears for good. Yes! She's so cool! Anyway back to the wallpaper description. I'm just a huge fan of Sailor Moon Crystal (and the original as well).

Ok so I made this wallpaper late at night, last night. I'd say the overall time it took to make this was maybe about an hour and a half to two hours. This is honestly one of the most challenging wallpapers I've made. But I'm happy with it.

I started out with a dark blue gradient and started adding my textures and renders on top of that. I think the hardest part was positioning the senshi just right so they looked good. And I went slightly crazy with the sparkle brushes.
I also used the grass brushes to try to create a field of some sort in combo with a flower brush I had. I don't usually work with a lot of brushes but I had fun making this field. :)
And I added a moon behind them and made it look like moonlight like in the Moon Pride PV and Opening Sequence. It was a lot of work but I'm proud of what I accomplished with this wallpaper.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper as much as I did creating it. :)

Dedicated to XxArrancarFanxX
Because you're an epic friend. And I hope you like the wallpaper. :D

Sailor Moon Wallpapers
aino, ami mizuno, field, grass, makato kino, minako, moon, rei hino, sailor jupiter, sailor mars, sailor mercury, sailor moon, sailor moon crystal, sailor venus, sparkles, stars, usagi tsukino
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