Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Once is F R O Z E N

Once is F R O Z E N
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Rumplestiltskin & Belle

Season 2 Emma Poster

*I don't remember where I found the other scans.

*Completion Time: 2 Hours+

*Made in Adobe Photoshop CS5

There aren't enough Once Upon A Time wallpapers here on theO. And I don't think that show has it's own catagory either. But I made this wallpaper to show my support for the show and because I'm a huge fan.

Once Upon A Time is now in its 4th season and with a new season came some new characters in Storybrooke. Elsa came to Storybrooke this season to look for her sister Anna and other Frozen elements have been added as well. I can say I'm enjoying this season so far and can't wait to see what happens next.

The process for making this wallpaper was a long one. It took me about 2 hours to complete the wallpaper. With each new wallpaper I've been creating, I have been trying to work with different materials for each one. This one contains a new way of blending my images and some other new techniques.

What took me along time to do while making this wallpaper was working with all the scans of the Once Upon A Time/Frozen characters and positioning them in the snowflakes. Emma takes center stage in this one (in the center snowflake and the main character in Storybrooke as she aPpeared in the 2nd season poster). All of this took along time to get just right. I am overall happy with how it turned out.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. :)

Dedicated to ItachiSasuke just because.

Other TV Wallpapers
anna, belle, bokeh, captain hook, david nolan, elsa, emma swan, frozen, killian jones, mary margret, mr. Gold, once upon a time, pirate, prince charming, prince james, regina mills, rumplestiltskin, snow, snow white, snowflakes, storybrroke, the evil queen, winter
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9 members Favoritefavorite
21Emmz12 ForeverOtaku ItachiSasuke allycat2090 Pennguin XxArrancarFanxX Zuzu Uchiha
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