Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Through D U E L s

Through D U E L s
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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NOTE: I can't remember where I found the Judai and Yugi renders. Will add them later if I can find the links...

"San Fransokyo" (from the movie "Big Hero 6")

*Collage to be uploaded and linked later.

*Made in Photoshop CS5

A wallpaper I made last weekend featuring the first 3 Yu-Gi-Oh protagonists Judai, Yugi, and Yusei with the background collage I made and also used in this wallpaper that consists over 200+ layers of images. And I remember it took me a couple days to even finish it.

Well this wallpaper didn't take 2 days to finish but at the most maybe an hour or two. I used an image I found of the fictional city "San Fransokyo" which serves as the main city in the new Disney film "Big Hero 6" which I'd love to see. I love the song by Fall Out Boy sings for the movie "Immortals". Look it up and listen to it, it is an epic song.

Sorry I got sidetracked. The process of creating this wallpaper is simply this, blending images another city image served as a texture as well as the collage. The position of the characters took some time and planning. But overall I am happy with the final wallpaper you now see here. :)

The quote is said by Judai in an episode of the 4th season of GX when he's talking to Asuka about what he's gone through over the course of the show, saying basically that life is full of challenges and how you face them will determine who you are and I can relate to this quote as well.

Dedicated to Hana Ishida who celebrated a birthday not too long ago. Here's the gift I promised you Ishi for your birthday. I hope you like it and hope you had a good birthday. Love you friend. *hugs*

Hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper~

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
atem, bokeh, city, jaden yuki, judai, judai yuki, quote, san fransokyo, yami yugi, yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh 5d's, yu-gi-oh duel monsters, yu-gi-oh duel monsters gx, yu-gi-oh gx, yugi moto, yuki judai, yusei, yusei fudo
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