Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Duel Academy's Finest...

Duel Academy's Finest...
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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I forgot where I found the renders but credit goes to whomever rendered them.

Background Image

*oTher effects/textures done by me in Photoshop CS5

What can I say about this wallpaper except that I made it around the same time I made this one. I used the same city image as the background, mostly due to the fact I couldn't find a good quality image of Duel Academy and most images I did find were low resolution screenshots or something. But anyway....yeah long time no wallpaper upload.

This wallpaper features some characters rarely seen in Yu-Gi-Oh GX wallpapers, I mean you see a lot with Judai but not a lot with Fubuki, Edo, or Asuka, Ryo is in a lot as well. But anyway I found these amazing renders and made this wallpaper. Credit goes to the person who rendered them. Out of all the Yu-Gi-Oh series, GX is my favorite and this wallpaper is a tribute to one of my favorite animes. Hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper.

Sorry for taking so long to upload this. Haven't had the time until now.

Dedicated to MangaKid because I miss her here and because she's an amazing friend and Otaku. *hugs*

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
alexis rhodes, aster phoenix, asuka tenjoin, atticus rhodes, bokeh, city, duel academy, duelists, edo phoenix, fubuki tenjoin, jaden yuki, judai yuki, ryou marafuji, yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh duel monsters gx, yu-gi-oh gx, zane truesdale
17 votes thumb
14 members Favoritefavorite
ocdohl Gear25 MangaKid Hifsa ElementalNinja allycat2090 XxArrancarFanxX SongBird33 Kaerlyn Darkarax nikkeh09 clueless101 thelostsindar
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