Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) B.e. Your Strength

B.e. Your Strength
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Don't have link to collage but it was made by YamiYugi4ever

Yami Yugi and Anzu background renders:[1] & [2]

main image link

Photoshop CS5

I made this wallpaper as a request to YamiYugi4ever. I had a lot of fun making this wallpaper. Yami Yugi and Anzu are an adorable couple.

To be honest I had such a hard time trying to find a good main image or render of Anzu and Yami Yugi to compliement the collage that YamiYugi4ever made. I did my best here with the ones I did find and tried to focus on them. This wallpaper was a challenge due to the fact there wasn't many great images of them, I mean official art or renderwise. I may remake this wallpaper sometime when I can find a better main image.
Also I made a custom texture as well for use in this wallpaper. I will link it later.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper.

Dedication: YamiYugi4ever
I'm sorry I'm so late with this wallpaper. I've been busy with the Holidays and trying to find the right images to complient your nice collage. I do hope you like this. I tried my best. I hope you had a good Holiday and have a very happy new Year. *hugs*

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
anzu mazaki, bokeh, city, couple, dark magician girl, duel monsters, tea gardner, yami yugi, yu-gi-oh, yugi motou
12 votes thumb
10 members Favoritefavorite
SongBird33 Miracle Star19 allycat2090 yamiyugi4ever Kazamas-Keyblade Darkarax clueless101 21Emmz12 XxArrancarFanxX
Member Dedication

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