Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) BorderLine Battle

BorderLine Battle
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Scans I used in this wallpaper
Sailor Moon

Sailor Mercury

Sailor Mars

Sailor Jupiter

Sailor Venus

Well to be honest I've been on a small Sailor Moon kick lately with my wallpapers. I've rediscovered how much I used to love Sailor Moon and the anime. Well Sailor Moon Crystal revived that for me. It was the first anime I've ever seen and it was a HUGE part of my childhood. I can't pay enough tribute to it.

Sailor Moon Crystal has these amazing covers for each of their blu ray releases. I of course came across them and had to make them into a wallpaper. I actually kind of wanted to make iPhone wallpapers with the scans individually but I made one them into one wallpaper. The art is amazing and beautiful.

For the wallpaper I arranged the scans in this wallpaper, enhanced them with a few textures and actions. I'm quite happy with how it turned out. The title comes from this song I was listening to as I finished this wallpaper up. Seemed to fit.

Dedication: LileeBoo
This one is for you Pinkie. I'm dedicating this to you because I can and because you're awesome! *hugs*
I hope you (and everybody) enjoys this wallpaper.

Sailor Moon Wallpapers
ami mizuno, bokeh, fire, light, magic, makoto kino, minako aino, rei hino, sailor jupiter, sailor mars, sailor mercury, sailor moon, sailor moon crystal, sailor venus, thunder
18 votes thumb
14 members Favoritefavorite
Nessiered tethysal Sakura870 Darkarax 21Emmz12 allycat2090 Moonfini Miracle Star19 ElementalNinja XxArrancarFanxX nikkeh09 SongBird33
Member Dedication
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