Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) -->UnFiNIsHED-->

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Color Palatte I based the color scheme of this wallpaper on.

Original Scan

Textures: One, Two. Three


This is one of my entries for the Color Palettes challenge hosted by XxArrancarFanxX. It is quite nice that some people are making and hosting challenges for wallpapers because they are fun to participate in and challenge and push your skills to new heights. Anyways I'm rambling a bit here. On with the wallpaper description.

The anime I chose was one of my absolute all time favorites Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters GX. Its the only Yu-Gi-Oh series I've managed to watch all the way through. I will go back and watch the others someday but anyway.

As you all know Judai is one of my favorite characters and he's really cool in the way that he duels and stands up to all the villains that threaten Duel Academy island. He has Elemental Heroes as his deck theme and he's a master of fusion summons. And overall cool. I had a lot of fun watching GX and kept wishing I could be a student of Duel Academy and befriend Judai and his friends. Sorry for rambling a bit. But I tend to ramble on things I love.

For the wallpaper I honestly wasn't sure what direction to go with. I finally found this awesome scan awhile back with Judai and Manjoume rocking out. I always wanted to make a wallpaper with this scan and I finally did. Let me tell you about it.
As per the challenge I had to follow a color palatte.

That by itself was a challenge. Also I had a hard time making the scan stand out while trying to add my own twist to it. I at first tried extracting Judai but that didn't turn out so well. So I resorted to working with the scan itself and trying to enhance it and give it this cool fresh look.

I used a few textures and an action and it ended up making it so cool. And also kind of like a rock concert type of effect. Overall I'm very happy with how it turned out. It really challenged me to make the best wallpaper I could. And I did.

I really hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. I did have a lot of fun creating this. It took me about an hour or two to complete this. I've been trying to up the ante with every wallpaper I make and do a better job with each one.

Oh and the title comes from this KOTOKO song I was listening to when I first started making this wallpaper. Its an awesome song. Check it out and give it a listen sometime. :) I'm a huge fan of KOTOKO and her music so I listen to her music a lot while I make wallpapers.

Dedication: 21Emmz12
I dedicate this one to you King LLama-sama cuz you're epic and you're an epic master wallpaper artist. Plus you've been a great friend to me on here. *hugs* Hope you enjoy this. Also you inspire me to try to do new things in my wallpapers with new effects and stuff. So for that I thank you.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
bokeh, chazz princeton, color palette, concert, jaden yuki, judai yuki.yuki judai, manjoume jun, music, theme, yu-gi-oh duel monsters gx, Yu-gi-oh gx
11 votes thumb
11 members Favoritefavorite
CureRose55 misachan83 21Emmz12 Darkarax Zuzu Uchiha XxArrancarFanxX SongBird33 allycat2090 clueless101
Member Dedication
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Color Palettes!

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