Star Trek Crew Images
Original Series crew
Star Trek Ships
USS Voyager
Delta Flyer (built on Voyager by the crew)
As you can see I used a lot of images to create this whole wallpaper. I believe in giving credit where credit is due. That's the reason there's so many links.
Anyway I made this wallpaper to celebrate the upcoming 50th Anniversary of Star Trek. I wanted to celebrate the francise as a whole and that's what lead to me to create this wallpaper.
Star Trek as a whole is a very awesome francise (no I haven't seen ALL the series, just Voyager, and bits and pieces episodes of a few others) but I wanted to showcase each show and their crew. The shows are as follows from top to bottom, Left hand corner top row-ish Star Trek: The Next Geneation,Top middle is Star Trek: The Original Series,top right is Star Trek Voyager,bottom left is Star Trek Enterprise and bottom right is Star Trek DS9.
And of course there's the many movies of Star Trek including the recent ones but I won't name all those. I've seen a few Next Gen ones and they were cool.
Anyway on with the actual making of the wallpaper.
I spent at least a few hours making the wallpaper you see here. It took me awhile to decide what I wanted to do and with position/extracting everything it was a challenge. But I wanted to make something different than usual and this was the result, the different Star Trek crews blended with an epic space background (credit goes to the creator) and of course a few Star Trek Ships flying in space (USs Enterprise,USs Voyager,and Delta Flyer). Extracting those was a challenge too. Anyway I'm proud of what I accomplished here and I had fun making this wallpaper tribute to the Star Trek franchise's 50th (hope they do something cool to celebrate it).
I hope EVERYBODy enjoys this wallpaper.
Dedicated to Yuko9kost who is celebrating a birthday today. Happy birthday my dear friend. You're an inspiration to me with your epic wallpapers and art. *hugs*
And Long Description is WAY Too Long~