Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Conceal,Don't Feel~

Conceal,Don't Feel~
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Art by 15385bic

*I can't remember where I found all the textures
*Made In Photoshop CS5

Hello all. Here’s another Frozen wallpaper I made. I’m just trying to do my part and add more Frozen wallpapers to this site. You’d think with Frozen being so popular that this place would be crawling with Frozen themed submissions. Maybe someday it will. I personally love Frozen, I’ve got nuts over it. And it’s just an awesome movie.
This wallpaper features Elsa, the snow queen who has trouble controlling her powers. I believe in giving credit where credit is do, this fantastic art was made by 15385Bic. When I saw this artwork I knew I had to make a wallpaper version with it. It is just so amazing and it expresses so well that Elsa goes through. Thanks for making such an epic artwork my friend.
For the wallpaper portion, all I did was enhance what was already there. I was originally going to use some lyrics from the iconic image song for Frozen, “Let It Go”. But ultimately I decided against it because less was definitely more in this case. The art already expressed her emotions and words would’ve taken away from that feeling. Plus in a way this is sort of how I’ve been feeling off and on lately and making this wallpaper was sort of a release for those feelings.
I enhanced the wallpaper with a few bokeh texturues and my own texture. And of course a few actions to give it even more of an icy,blizzard-y feeling and I brought out the colors more. Overall I’m very proud of how this turned out. And I hope everybody enjoys this wallpaper.
Dedication: Everybody
I can’t dedicate this one to just one person this time, so I’m dedicating this one to all of y’all! Because everybody here has been so supportive of me here and I wanted to express that I really appreciate it. Hope everybody enjoys this wallpaper. Love y’all so much!

Source Art
Elsa frozen ~15385bic
Frozen Wallpapers
anna to yuki no jou, blizzard, bokeh, Elsa, frozen, ice, let it go, snow, snow queen, winter
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