What can I say about this wallpaper? Was it unplanned? Did it just happen? Why did I make it? To be honest this wallpaper just happened. To tell you the truth I've been going tHrough some depression and stuff and making this wallpaper was kind of a release of that energy. I felt better when I got done with it. And I'm glad I made it. Overall it took about two hours to complete.
It features Black Rock Shooter, I've seen the OVA and I love the song. And I made a Black Rock Shooter wallpaper. It took a few hours to make this cause of all the layering of chains. In the Black Rock Shooter anime there are alternate dimensions where the main girl, Mato Kuroi becomes Black Rock Shooter and fights the demon counterparts of her friends. At least that is the gist.
Anyway I enjoyed making this wallpaper and I hope everybody enjoys this wallpaper.