Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) ~SpriNg P a r T y~

~SpriNg P a r T y~
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Original Render

Spring field taken from Here

*Clouds, and flower brrushes from PhotoshopCS5

*Made in PhotoshopCS5

I decided to make a Spring wallpaper since spring is almost here. It took me about an hour to make this wallpaper. I tried some new things such as taking a field out of another picture and putting it in here and using brushes and effects to make it look kind of animated and whimsical. I found a cute render of Sylveon render with a little deer Pokemon (sorry not too familiar with the new Pokemon, kind of an Old gen fan here). Anyway I had a lot of fun making this wallpaper.

EDIT:I found out the little deer Pokemon was named Deeling and that it
changes "forms" depending on the seasons. Here's a picture to better illustrate the subject. THe Deerling in this wallpaper is in "Spring Form" which is pink (Summer form is green, Autumn form is orange, and winter form is brown). I like the concept and its quite cute. And of course I like Sylveon too.

I am eagerly awaiting spring and green grass again. The quote is from the late Robin Williams (still can't believe he passed). Loved that guy. He was one of my favorite actors.

I hope everybody enjoys this wallpaper.

Dedicated to ElementalNinja
Cause you're awesome! And an amazing friend. *hugs*

Pokemon Wallpapers
clouds, cute, deerling, eevee, eeveelution, flowers, grass, little deer pokemon, nymphali, pink, Pokemon, quote, ribbons, robin williams, sparkles, spring, spring form, stars, sylveon, vivaldaim
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