Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) A R C of (Smile)

A R C of (Smile)
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Screenshot from this

I had made another version of this wallpaper (I didn't upload it because it was it was sort of lower quality and I wasn't exactly proud of it) with this screenshot. I took this one and it ended up being better quality so it worked for this new version of this wallpaper.

Anyway this wallpaper features the new Arc-V group of the second season as Reiji Akaba's "Lancers" to combat the Obelisk forces and save the world. Yes I'm looking forward to this season of Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V because Jack Atlas and Crow are set to appear sometime. (The new opening even features an epic siloette of him too). Yep I'm excited!)

In the group featured from left to right is: Ninja guy with card (don't know his name), Reira Akaba (Reiji's little brother), Reija Akaba, Gongenzaka Noboru, Yuya Sakaki, Shingo Sawatari (doing a Haruhi pose), Serena/Selena (don't know which one it is), Dennis MacField, and Shun Kurosaki (an awesome duelist who uses a mecha hawks XYZ themed deck)

For this wallpaper all I did was take this screenshot and touched it up with an action and some textures. Took about an hour to make and get the effects just right. I ended up trying a new double layer effect by blurring the background layer and making it look almost alternate dimension like (did that make any sense lol?) But point is. I had fun making this wallpaper. Group shots like this are rare and this was too amazing a screenshot not to make a wallpaper from. I may be making other graphics from screenshots I take from the new third ending. What can I say? Its an awesome ending sequence.

Well I hope everybody enjoys this wallpaper.

Dedicated to 21Emmz12 because you're awesome!

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
akaba reiji, akaba reira, dennis, dennis macfield, epic, gongenzaka noboru, grafitti, group, kurosaki shun, ninja, paint, reiji, reiji akaba, reira akaba, sakaki yuya, sawatari shingo, selena, serena, shingo sawatari, shun kurosaki, stars, urban, with card, yu-gi-oh arc-v, Yu-gi-oh!, yuya sakaki
12 votes thumb
11 members Favoritefavorite
ShyPrincess Miracle Star19 SongBird33 21Emmz12 XxArrancarFanxX art4life allycat2090 Darkarax KyraChan
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