Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Tale as Old as Time~

Tale as Old as Time~
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Made in Photoshop Cs5

Yay I made a Disney Wallpaper! I made a wallpaper of one of my favorite Disneys of all time "Beauty and the Beast". This movie has been a big part of my childhood and Belle was my favorite Disney Princess. Its just a lovely movie. Its a shame Disney stopped making classic animated movies like this. They're really wonderful.

It took me about an hour or more to complete this wallpaper. I blended some screenshots together of the Ballroom scene which is my favorite All time scene of this movie. Its so beautiful when they (Belle and the Beast) dance together. And I loved her yellow dress, it looked like it glowed.

I ended up blending them in an interesting way that I didn't expect. I started out as one being the main image but another one ended up being the main focus. And I used lyrics from the classic song also titled "Beauty and the Beast". Yes I used text in a wallpaper, its been awhile since I used text.

But I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper.

Dedication: Theifspawn
For making epic Disney wallpapers here for theOtaku.
And cuz you're awesome!

Beauty and the Beast Wallpapers
ballroom, ballroom dancing, beast, Beauty and the beast, belle, classic, dance, dancing, disney, lyrics, prince, princess, song, stars, yellow dress
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