riho88riho (Wallpaper Portfolio) Relaxing Knight

Relaxing Knight
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Title: Relaxing Knight
Series: Tales of Graces
Characters: Asbel Lhant
My Comment: So I started playing Tales of Graces f with a friend of mine (more like watching him play haha). I totally fell in love with Asbel and I found this image of him to be the best for making a wallpaper of him ^-^ I think it turned out pretty well... especially since I tried some new techniques and methods. For starters, I did most of the vectoring using paths which was my first time experience so I hope I did well. I also messed with smudging a bit more than usual.

My favorite part of the whole wallpaper would be the eyes. I followed Nysha's vector tutorial for it (adjusting a bit for the color and eye style). I had to do the eyes 3 times, but the third time WAS the charm and turned out really awesome ^___^ I'll probably do all my eyes like that from now on haha.

Basically I vectored the lines for Asbel first before doing any filling in, but of course that came second. Not really much to say there. I did consider smudging/blurring/blending/whatever the shaded parts... but I figured it'd be an odd contrast since there isn't hardly any shadow to begin with.

For the tree, I used two layers of the original scan. The bottom of the two, I smudged like crazy. With the top of the two I made 25% visible which helped add a bit of the original texture. With my current level, it's probably the best I could do xD

The sky was simple grad. color then cloud brush plus smudging. The water was basically the same with a few more colors added and then texture on top.

The grass on the bottom was simple vector then gras. blur.

It really is a simple wallpaper... but I'm pleased with the outcome ^-^

Oh, I did color adjusting and clarifying in PSP8 as the final touch. Thinking back, there really isn't much to go into detail on haha. Anyway, favs/comments/feedback is always welcomed <3

Paint Shop Pro 8
[url=http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/550835]Original Scan

Tales of (Series) Wallpapers
asbel, graces, lhant
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