Song: [SQUARE THE CIRCLE - Mami Kawada ( (Sadly I can't find a good link to the song.)
It has been a little bit since my last wallpaper. I made this one the other night when I had some inspiration. I had this image of Dark Johan for awhile, I wanted to make something with it but never had the right images, until now.
The wallpaper itself ended up being inspired by a Mami Kawada song called "Square the Circle". I've listened to this song quite frequently on my mp3 player and it tells kind of this story about making your way through the world. I always imagine kind of a chessboard/Alice in Wonderland setting and she goes through obstacles and becomes stronger at the end for it. That's my interpretation of this song.
Dark Johan (also called Jehu by other GX fans) kind of fits this song in the way that he is in this place, waiting for something. Its kind of hard to explain. The lyrics seemed to fit what I wanted to portray here so that's how the lyrics ended up in the wallpaper.
For the wallpaper itself I started out with a background gradient, used a stock photo and textures, and ended up using this cyber texture which gave it this unique look. I just went with it. The hardest thing in making this wallpaper was the extraction of my character. Out of the whole wallpaper, that took the longest to do. But I'm happy with how it came out.
Well that being said, I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. I always appreciate feedback and I hope to make more wallpapers soon.