Title comes from the original Sailor Moon Theme song "Moonlight Densetsu" as Perforformed by Momoiro Clover Z.
Original Image (Vectored by Snowzi)
I Lost the links to starry sky images.
Time: 2+ hours
Made in Photoshop CS5
This wallpaper is a collaboration I did with my friend Snowzi. She made the amazing vector I used here. If it wasn't for her amazing vectoring skills this wallpaper wouldn't have been possible.
For my part I did the background and added the brushes and other effects. I wanted to try to sort of recreate the original Sailor Moon Crystal blu-ray cover. This took me about 3 hours to make. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
Dedication: Snowzi
Because without your help, this wallpaper wouldn't have been possible. I hope you (and everybody) enjoys the wallpaper.