Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) ~Alice.in.the.Heart~<3

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Alice: (★)

Background scans: (♥) | (♣)

I made another Heart no Kuni no Alice wallpaper the other night. I'm doing my best to expand this category and add more wallpapers featuring Alice Liddel and other characters.

The background images are from the Heart no Kuni no Alice and Clover no Kuni no Alice promotional art for the games. Both are linked above.

This wallpaper was very time consuming in its creation process. Overall it took me at least 3 hours to make this, this was mostly due to trying to find the right balance of textures that worked, blending the clover and heart Alice images with my main image. I tried something a little different in regards to this.

I've never really taken parts of images and integrated them into another so this for me was new. This process alone was time consuming but well worth the efforts.

I also listened to the entire length of Mami Kawada's new album "Parabelpsia" while creating this. I enjoyed it very much.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. I plan on making more soon.

Alice in the Country of Hearts Wallpapers
ace, alice in the country of hearts.alic, alice in wonderland, alice liddel, blood dupre, boris airay, chesire cat, clover no kuni no alice, dee, dormouse, dum, elliot marsh, fantasy, gray ringmarc, Heart no kuni no alice, hearts, julius monrey, knight of hearts, mad hatter, magic, marsh hare, nightmare, peter white, pierce villiers, queen of hearts, queen vivaldi, timekeeper, too many tags here, tweedledee, tweedledum, twins, white rabbit, wonderland
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