Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Believe in Music

Believe in Music
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Render ~<3

Starry Sky | Pastel gradient | Bokeh | Quote | Action

Made in Photoshop CS5

This is my entry for the Pastel Picture wallpaper challenge. To be honest I tried several ideas before I finally settled on this one. For awhile I thought there wasn't going to be anything that worked and finally this one clicked. That is about the best way I can explain it.

So the background is comprised of a few different images and textures I blended together. I also tried several different scenarios before arrving to this one. This pretty render of Sakura Miku actually went with my theme. I like music, spring, and stars and lots of light pinks and blues. The pastel theme really isn't limited because there are actually hundereds of different possibilites as to what you can do and I figured that out by making this wallpaper. I probably spent a good several hours on this project before arriving at this result. I like how it turned out and I hope you guys do too.

Bonus Link: The Music I listened to while making this wallpaper. This music helped influence the final outcome of this project and inspired me to try new things, it also brought forth the quote as well.

Dedicated to KairiJun because your style of graphics inspires me to try new things and that there is no limit on what you can do. Also because you're awesome.

Miku Hatsune Wallpapers
bokeh, flowers, hatsune miku, magic, music, pastel, pretty, sakura, sakura miku, stars, vocaloid
16 votes thumb
28 members Favoritefavorite
Rabbita animegirl171 Darkreaper19 Karisan DarkAnimeTomboy18 dr Muraki KairiJun SyntheticBlare allycat2090 Snowzi Darkarax blue dragon123 Everlasting Light nikkeh09 SmallxLady
Member Dedication
Pastel Picture

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