Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Ash Ketchum~20th Anniversary~

Ash Ketchum~20th Anniversary~
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Main IMage

Background Ash Ketchum

1st Series-Johto | Advanced | Diamond & Pearl | Black and White | Current

Bokeh | Line texture | Shiny Blue | City photograph taken by me

Made in Photoshops

Made as a second tribute to the 20th Anniversary of Pokemon (1996~2016)

I decided to do something kind of different for a wallpaper. This is kind of a wallpaper tribute to Ash Ketchum, the famous Pokemon trainer who has traveled the world and made many friends and carried different Pokemon teams based on the different regions he was in. Pokemon was one of the first animes I ever watched along with Sailor Moon and really the first anime I was really exposed to. So Pokemon as a whole has carried a lot of meaning for me, even though I kind of stopped watching after Brock and Misty left and sort of picked it back up with the new XYZ series (which I need to watch more of when I have time). Point is, I feel like I've sort of been on Ash's journey with him. I've played the games, collected the Pokemon cards (though I knew how to play the game), and looked forward to watching it every Saturday morning. For that reason Ash is kind of a special character for me.

Blended a city image with a few background textures, along with his different design changes over the years, I made this wallpaper featuring Ash Ketchum. This took me a few hours to put together. Overall I like how it came out. I particularly like the Pikachu bokeh I used.

That being said, I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper.

Pokemon Wallpapers
20th anniversary, ash, ash ketchum, bokeh, city, pikachu, pokemon, satoshi, trainer, tribute
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