Lucy77 (Wallpaper Portfolio) 8. Move (이사)

8. Move (이사)
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Picture: X
Fonts: Jenna Sue and UnGungseo
Brush: X
Lyrics: "Move" by BTS
Edited in Photoshop and BeFunky

Inspired by 8th track from BTS' The Most Beautiful Moment In Life pt. 1 album~ ^^
I must say that I was supposed to make wallpaper like this a year ago, but I guess this will work as well ^^;

My sister hasn't been home these days as she's traveling around Europe as a part of school excursion and that made me remember my own excursion two years ago and that made me remember high school. I miss those days, but at the same time I don't, if that makes sense lol

The song itself talks about moving. duh xD Boys made this song when they moved from smaller to bigger apartment to show not only physical aspect of moving but the psychological as well. For artist moving like that marks becoming more successful (as they became "important enough" or they earned the bigger and better apartment). I felt like those lyrics could be interpreted in this case as well - leaving high school and moving to something bigger - college, job or something third, whatever.
There are many beautiful and relatable lines in this song, like:

"Back then I thought this was a big place
But my ambition grew too big"

"Seems like it was just yesterday, we grew up a lot"

"Let’s move
Goodbye to this place, that we grew attached to
Let’s move
Now to a higher place
While taking the last box out of the empty room
I looked back for a moment
Times we cried and laughed
Goodbye now"

"Three Four years felt so short but so long
A lot of things happened, there were many memories
I remember now that we’re about to leave"

"Now let’s take our pride and go toward a bigger world with a bigger dream
A new start, a new beginning
Excited to see how it will become"

"When will I stop having to move again?"

In other words, it's exam period at my college and of course I have more important things to do, like study for example, but oh well lol

Check out other parts of my wallpaper series and I hope you like it~

Other Music Wallpapers
bangtan, bangtan boys, bts, kpop, move, the most beautiful moment in life
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