Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) [memories] just Silhouettes

[memories] just Silhouettes
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Original ASH X Pikachu is ORIGINAL

other Ash & Pikachu | City | bokeh yellow | other shiny is shiny | MOAR shinies

Song: シルエット [SILHOUETTE] (English ver.) ~ Original by KANA-BOOM | English by Monistar

Made in Photoshops


This is my entry for the "Memories" wallpaper challenge. This wallpaper represents my memories of me watching Pokemon, using my imagination, and all the memories I have of spending time with my friends.

As a kid I remember really loving Pokemon, watching it every Saturday morning, playing the Pokemon video games on Game Boy color, collecting the cards. I always would used to pretend to be a Pokemon trainer like Ash and his friends. Or I would use my imagination and act out some of Ash's Pokemon adventures in my backyard. Those were fun times as a kid. I felt like Ash and Pikachu were my friends. In my imagination they were.

This also represents all the memories I have of spending time with my friends at school, playing at recess, talking at lunch. We would also act out adventures and pretend different things.

One particular memory I'm fond of was the time my friends and I were on a field trip. I think we went bowling. Anyway we started pretending and it just went from there. I can just remember how happy I was, how happy we all were. There are a lot of times I will try to remember this particular memory. Or just other memories when me and my friends had fun on field trips. Those were good days. These memories are still near and dear to my heart.


What I tried to do with my wallpaper was make it kind of like a memory. The lyrics are an English translation of the Naruto SHippuden 16th opening "Silhouette". I just felt these lyrics fit the mood I was going for, of good times with friends, and a time of when the world was full of wonder and friendship. Ash and Pikachu to me represent my childhood, or at least part of it. Bokehs add to the shinyness and wonder we feel when we are children.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. I did my best.

Pokemon Wallpapers
ash, ash ketchum, bokeh, city, embrace, friendship, hug, memories, pikachu, pocket monsters, pokemon, satoshi, shiny, sunset
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