Welcome to Academy Days
Welcome to the world of ninjas. Interested in joining? Make an OC that will attend the academy to become Genin and then will take the Chunins. Of course there are numerous missions to be assigned to in between!
Team 1
XxRaindropsxX- Narumi Uchiha- Picture of Narumi
Littlepooch(90)- Kyoka Fusuki
Smiling Isoka(150)- Raijin Kumonari
Team 2
DarkSong(150)- Melodie Himitsu
xNotUnderstood(170)- Salvatore
Sumirechan(70)- Ai Tama
Team 3
Sakurasista(170)- Miyako
Kurai the Night(70)- Kurai
Kyouyarenge(70)- Ruchi Otome
So everyone is going to start out with 50 points.
For every post you will get 20 more.
For a contest winner there will be 100 points. If there is enough people, I'll do first, second (70), third place winners as well (60). For everyone else that didn't win, they will get 40 points for entering.
If anyone does a Story Thus Far, they will be given 100 points since I know how hard it is.
I will have two different contests as I know not everyone can draw or put their pictures up for whatever reason, so I'll do a writing and a drawing one.
Draw your character. You can do whatever else you want to for the background, just as long as your character is the main focus. Just have fun with it, ok? You can dedicate it to me so that I can keep track of it easily. If you want, you can also post it here.
Write a short story about your character's past. This way, we will get a better sense of who they are. It doesn't matter how long or short it is, just long enough where we can get the full effect.
Deadline: October 1. I give you all over a month. That should be plenty of time to work around school and whatnot.
Important Links
After a few more exercises and snoozes in class Iruka dismissed us for lunch.
I lazily raised from my desk after sleeping and went to my locker. i opened it to drop my bag in it and hung my coat up too.Looking around first to see if there were any girls, none to see, I took off my top shirt and placed it in the locker too.Grabbing a step counter out of the locker and then slamming it shut. i started walking outside,fiddling with the counter.
While walking to a door outside, I heard some girls going "ooooohhhh" as i passed by with my thin exercise shirt on. I heard one girl say "nice muscles" as she passed me, I turned a little red as I looked at my arms and torso.
I got outside and attached the counter to my ankle and started doing a fast jog around and way from the school. Waving to some villages, girls,and some friends. after i got away from some people and mostly outdoor on the path, I noticed Narumi and Raijin and started slowing my pace to stop in front of them and walk over to where they were sitting.
"Hey you two! On a date,i see?" i said to them,teasing them a little.
"Raijin," Iruka-sensei questioned, "Who exactly are you supposed to be a clone of?"
I tried hard not laugh. Raijin had transformed into me, but for whatever reason, his big arms and legs were his own. It looked oddly disfigured with such la...
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So I noticed the challenge deadline was today! Put this together relatively quickly, but I think it gives some insight into Raijin's past. Basically, he's ALWAYS been the way he is. XD Enjoy!
“Wait up!” Raijin called a...
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Cloning jutsu!? That's it!? I was so surprised that Iruka-sensei would choose such a simple technique for us to begin with! But, hey, no complaints I guess.
It unnerved me a little that everyone had been flawless so far, but I knew I'd be ok. Right?
"Raijin, would you please come forward?" Iruka finally called me out. I wasn't really expecting to hear my name so soon, so I jumped a little in my seat having dozed off slightly.
Narumi turned her head a little and mouthed "Good luck" to me. I smiled back. Only the unprepared need luck! I waltzed to the front of the class and proudly said, "Sure thing Sensei! Anyone you want to see in particular?"
I could hear the slight groan he tried to hide under his breath, "Just choose someone, Raijin. Please."
Taking his advice, I cracked my knuckles, popped my neck, and started forming handsigns. Everything was perfect until I released just a little too little chakra...
Iruka-sensei gave me one of those "are you kidding me looks" and I could feel several other students doing the same. "Raijin," Iruka-sensei questioned, "who exactly are you supposed to be a clone of?"
Looking down I noticed that my somewhat muscular arms and legs had not changed in the process, but the rest of Narumi was there. I blushed and changed back, "Wait wait! Let me try again!" I guess over-confidence hurt me this time. I reformed my handsigns and successfully pulled off a clone of Iruka-sensei. I hope Narumi didn't take this personally. I mean, we were friends and all, so no harm done, right?
I entered the classroom on time and took a seat diagonal to Narumi. Once I was seated I opened my book on jungle snakes and flipped where I had left off, starting to read about the cobra.
Iruka entered shortly after my arrival and proceeded to test us on our techniques. I marked my page and watched as Narumi went up first and did a flawless clone of the sensei. Miyako and Salvatore went up after her.
“Melodie,” Iruka said cheerfully, “you’re up next.”
I nodded and strode to the front of the classroom. “What technique do I have to perform Iruka-sensei?”
“A cloning jutsu, choose anyone you’d like.”
Hmmm, who would I choose? I looked around the room, ignoring the hopeful gazes of my fans. My eyes landed on Salvatore who had looked up from the desk. I intently studied every detail—the slightly spiky short brown hair, the emerald eyes, the punkish clothes—while I did the hand signs.
A perfect clone of Salvatore appeared, undistinguishable from the original. The real boy chuckled while my fans looked disappointed by my choice. There was a round of applause accompanied by some laughter.
I could hear Iruka’s low chuckle while he wrote something in his notebook and dismissed me. I bowed and went to my seat.
“Nice clone,” Salvatore said with a grin.
“Thank you.”
“Your clone was really good,” Narumi whispered as I took my seat.
“Same to you,” I gave her a quick smile and returned to my book, waiting for the next person to go.