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Over time, this place has become my sporadic, and very random blog 'thing'. I'm too much of a personal person to post about everything that happens in my real life, but my internet life is all here for you to check out. Let the randomness ensue.

Also in this world, I shall post:

Segments: Agree or Disagree?, Pet Peeves

Other Sites You'll Find Me: Tumblr, Minitokyo, DeviantART, LiveJournal (I don't visit this much), Blogspot (I visit this even less), Twitter (I joined this site over a year ago because of my infatuation with Tom Felton) Since my absence, Tom Hiddleston has become my life-ruiner. Don't understand it? Just research him and it'll happen to you too. That man is a Disney Prince, brought to life.

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Dear TheOtaku,

There once was an Otaku,
Who believed TheOtaku was pieced together with super-glue
but then one day she glanced,
in a horrible instant, perchance,
TheOtaku hiking a trip to Middle Earth,
While waving its hand in childish mirth,
Shouting out, "Fuck you, I'm leaving for a few hours,"
"And the site will be broken down until you're brought to a cower,"
"But don't worry, the sky is still blue,"
-everywhere else except TheOtaku."

The real lesson here: every time the site goes down, Seto Kaiba smiles and a puppy dies.

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"Sweet Mel Gibson, no!"

Please think of the puppies.

(Page 2!) Unofficial Artwork & You: what to watch out for; learning to distinguish

Page 2 has been added! Plus, there's been an important addition to page one, at the bottom. Go check it out. Besides that, I hope you find this guide highly informative and have a plagiarism free future on TheOtaku. ...

Read the full post »

I'm feeling slightly hypocritical today.

Why yes, I am feeling slightly hypocritical today.

What I feel like doing: making a big guide (with pictures, links, and everything) about how to know when unofficial artwork is from Pixiv, how to find the original source, and how to avoid making the same mistake that got half of your cards/wallpapers removed, because there's still a lot of it being submitted here.

Why this makes me a hypocrite: [THIS].

So, I'm complaining like, "God, there's so many Pixiv guides- everyone slow downnnn!" but then, "By the way, I wanna make one too. kthanxbai."

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I'm hatin' myself a little bit right now. //laughs

And about my last post: thanks for all of the support, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that some of those features should be implemented. <3

5 Features I Wish TheOtaku Had

  • A preview option in the Private Message and Comment areas.

  • A once a month PM, listing all of the birthdays of your friends, for that month- so you'd actually have some time to create a gift.
  • A highly noticeable notification (in your PM, or backroom) of your favorited, but nearly ending challenges. Time can slip away from a person, and they need an 'in your face' option to remind them.
  • A way to cluster multiple submissions/world entries under a drop down list (or this), in the backroom, because some of you are more active than others.
  • A way to transfer submissions into challenges, in the event that right after you post something like, I don't know- a Star Trek wallpaper? And someone makes a Star Trek wallpaper challenge the next day, and now you're angry; flippin' everyone the Klingon Bird and drowning your angst in Vulcan Spice Tea, but you've already gotten a crapload of comments and favorites, and loathe the idea of deleting it or uploading it twice. Though, I'd suggest that there's a time limit for this- so that people will still need to create new things, instead of shoving all of their old crap into new challenges.

(Just ideas. Ramblings of a person up too late at night, and feeling slightly critical.)


Someone awesome linked this to me on Minitoyko- it doesn't take magical insight to know why I'm spazzing over this right now.