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Over time, this place has become my sporadic, and very random blog 'thing'. I'm too much of a personal person to post about everything that happens in my real life, but my internet life is all here for you to check out. Let the randomness ensue.

Also in this world, I shall post:

Segments: Agree or Disagree?, Pet Peeves

Other Sites You'll Find Me: Tumblr, Minitokyo, DeviantART, LiveJournal (I don't visit this much), Blogspot (I visit this even less), Twitter (I joined this site over a year ago because of my infatuation with Tom Felton) Since my absence, Tom Hiddleston has become my life-ruiner. Don't understand it? Just research him and it'll happen to you too. That man is a Disney Prince, brought to life.

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[2] Pet Peeves: "Rap is Crap!" and other percentages

Pet Peeves: "Rap is Crap!" and other percentages

"98% of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature."

Translation: "Hi, let me enlighten you with bullsh*t percentages and a narrow-brained assumption that an entire genre of music is crap, simply because I heard a limited selection of music which wasn't particularly varied or talented."

See? It's all about readin' between the lines.

Most of the signature statements that you add to your collection, right off the bat you can dismiss as miscalculated. It's always either 98% and 2% or 92% and 8%. That in itself makes it nothing than a fabricated sentence that some lonely person made, because they were feeling picky about their music.

It is completely idiotic to take an entire genre of music and denounce it as 'crap'. You haven't heard every single song, and I've met people who have put that in their signature, and I've asked them to list all of the hip-hop artists they're familiar with---guess what? Their list is mediocre. Therefore, claims that any genre of music is terrible, without listening to enough from it, makes a person appear very misguided.

I'm not a fan of country music, however, despite the fact that it does not appeal to me---I don't parade around tearing it apart. I may not like country music, still I can say that there are some great classics, and it's certainly a good genre to get into.

This is a peeve of mine because posting such simple minded things signatures seems a little... unoriginal to me. It's like broadcasting the fact that you can't even maintain an open mind when it comes to something as available and 'simple' as music.

Different music genres still exist---Rock isn't just going to disappear because another type of music has suddenly become popular. So fumbling and whining over which one is better is pointless and an utter time waster.

  • Next post was going to be different, however, it's such a topic I peeve over, it's going to take time to translate nicely on e-paper. /laughs

'H' is for Hip-Hop, not horrible

It's only natural that people have different tastes in music; where we were raised, what we were exposed to, what rhythm speak most to us, and many other factors affect how we view music.

Music is one of my favorite things in life---I need music to wake up, it's like caffeine, a subtle drug that I consume daily as a passageway for the words I fail to portray at times. Music has shaped me in ways that I'm unaware of at times; but I'm glad that it has. And I believe that all genres of music should be respected and heard at least once.

But recently what I've been noticing on quite of few sites, not just MyOtaku, is that people label types of music shamelessly, like how they label people. Music taught me about labeling--- how incorrect it is; how it affects and berates people and sets back the people who partake in labeling.

When I was younger, I only listened to 70's music and alternative rock; if anyone ever tried to shove a song of a different genre like hip-hop or cultural I strayed away and judged it right away. And before long, a whole chunk of lively, outspoken, music was shielded by my ignorance.

I was actually raised around Spanish and hip-hip, and basically all kinds of music. My family didn't shy away from certain genres like I had chosen too; and in the end, I was turning away from what I was raised with.

But then, as I got older, my ignorance began to peel away with the passing of the years. Under the influence of my family, I started dipping into other genres. This dive introduced me to J-rock, Hip-Hop, Folk, Metal, Techno, Country, Grunge, and more cultural music; like Haitian and Spanish.

I think people should be more open to music and all its genres; hip-hop, I soon found if you look at the right artists, can be very exciting and inspirational. But I see people blatantly posting that "rap is crap" or that bands like Hawthorne Heights or Linkin Park are 'emo', 'whiney' and pathetic---when I can easily guess that they didn't even take the time to absorb the message and lyrics.

Music can be very powerful and can speak about, family, love, affection, pride, prejudice, government, dreams, determination, everything. That's why I love music; there's a song for every occasion, every emotion, thought. Songs are something that anyone can sink into; it has a pulse, a power that can be defined but not measured perfectly. Even people who've lost hearing can enjoy music---the power, force, pulse or any genre is enough to make anyone slip out of their shell.

Music is not something that should be cast away simply because of title, genre or reputation. Hip-hop used to have a horrible reputation, and it saddens me to say that to a certain extent, it still does. But back then, if you listened to hip-hip, you were a hoodlum; if you promoted it, you never got far. People were closed off. And on television, it sometimes didn't get the respect it deserved. Nowadays, hip-hop is a gargantuan industry. It has influenced clothing trends, language, patterns of thinking, perception and many other things. :)

Not all music sends a perfect message. Sometimes it's explicit, ignorant, and degrading---but that's only a few in comparison to the thousands, millions of other songs; lovely, eager to make a difference, and still unheard by your ears.

It's never wrong to simply have listened to a genre and to have never been able to sink into it---but to blatantly label and degrade it with ignorance and hatred is not right.

I love music---hip-hop, rock, oldies, techno, new age, even country.

It's beautiful.
