[2] Pet Peeves: "Rap is Crap!" and other percentages

Pet Peeves: "Rap is Crap!" and other percentages

"98% of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature."

Translation: "Hi, let me enlighten you with bullsh*t percentages and a narrow-brained assumption that an entire genre of music is crap, simply because I heard a limited selection of music which wasn't particularly varied or talented."

See? It's all about readin' between the lines.

Most of the signature statements that you add to your collection, right off the bat you can dismiss as miscalculated. It's always either 98% and 2% or 92% and 8%. That in itself makes it nothing than a fabricated sentence that some lonely person made, because they were feeling picky about their music.

It is completely idiotic to take an entire genre of music and denounce it as 'crap'. You haven't heard every single song, and I've met people who have put that in their signature, and I've asked them to list all of the hip-hop artists they're familiar with---guess what? Their list is mediocre. Therefore, claims that any genre of music is terrible, without listening to enough from it, makes a person appear very misguided.

I'm not a fan of country music, however, despite the fact that it does not appeal to me---I don't parade around tearing it apart. I may not like country music, still I can say that there are some great classics, and it's certainly a good genre to get into.

This is a peeve of mine because posting such simple minded things signatures seems a little... unoriginal to me. It's like broadcasting the fact that you can't even maintain an open mind when it comes to something as available and 'simple' as music.

Different music genres still exist---Rock isn't just going to disappear because another type of music has suddenly become popular. So fumbling and whining over which one is better is pointless and an utter time waster.

  • Next post was going to be different, however, it's such a topic I peeve over, it's going to take time to translate nicely on e-paper. /laughs